What is LEI-Search?


Need an Legal Entity Identifier? Then LEI Search might be the best solution for you!

What is LEI-search?

LEI-search.info offers the most important information when it comes to Legal Entity Identifier providers. Potential customers can easily find the most suitable LEI code provider based on the LEI code’s price, LEI code’s average processing time, payment methods or the website language. The Legal Entity Identifier’s table is sortable by registration price, renewal price or by the average processing time.

LEI-search.info has gathered the valuable information about LEI providers and brings it out to people interested in an LEI code, for easy use. LEI search can save you time and money!

Visit the LEI-Search.info and find the right Legal Entity Identifier provider!

How to use LEI-search?


LEI-search.info “LEI providers” web section of the page directs the user (when clicked on) to a Legal Entity Identifier provider’s table where it is possible to get a convenient overview of all LEI code providers currently in the market. Users have to choose the country where one would you like to get an LEI code from. Then the LEI providers table filters out all the LEI code providers for the selected country. 


The first column of the Legal Entity Identifier’s table shows the LEI provider company’s name. By clicking on the company’s name it will automatically take you to that providers website. The next column shows the webpage languages.  


The first sortable category is the third column and it shows the average processing time. By clicking on that category it will show you the results from slowest to fastest or vice-versa. Fast processing time means that you will get your LEI code in less than 24h, average time stands for 24h-48h and slow means more than 48h.


Columns 4-7 show the Legal Entity Identifier’s prices for each company. It is important to note, that the prices shown are without VAT. By clicking on the desired category you can see the most low-priced or the most expensive LEI providers. The last column of the table shows the payment methods that the providers use.


LEI-search.info “Guidelines” web section of the page shows some tips for choosing your Legal Entity Identifier provider. If you have never bought a LEI code and do not know much about it, then there is some important information about choosing one. If you still have some concerns about the LEI code, do not hesitate to contact LEI Search. The contact info can be found from the menu “Contact Us”.


FAQ stands for frequently asked questions. There you can find most common questions about LEI code. Check out the questions and you might get an answer to your problem!


LEI-Search.info also offers a LEI search function (or LEI Lookup function), where an user can search for companies with active LEI codes or check LEI code’s validity.


 To get results you must enter a valid LEI code or company name in the LEI lookup search bar. When you have found your company you can see more details about that company by clicking on company name. There you can see details such as LEI code validity, address, registration details and more.